Terms of Use

Business Terms of Use

Welcome to ansrsource! Our mission is to accelerate better ways to learn that that lifts the human condition, which we are accomplishing by building an ecosystem for people to learn, teach, and connect. When you visit, view, use, or access our website ansrsource.com and any applicable subdomains thereof, or any applications, mobile applications, functionalities, content, materials, or other online services including but not limited to discussion boards, provided by ansrsource (collectively, the “Platform”), whether as a guest or a registered user, you’re agreeing to the following terms and conditions.

Individual Terms of Use

Welcome to ansrsource! Our mission is to accelerate better ways to learn that that lifts the human condition, which we are accomplishing by building an ecosystem for people to learn, teach, and connect. When you visit, view, use, or access our website ansrsource.com and any applicable subdomains thereof, or any applications, mobile applications, functionalities, content, materials, or other online services including but not limited to discussion boards, provided by ansrsource (collectively, the “Platform”), whether as a guest or a registered user, you’re agreeing to the following terms and conditions, so please take a few minutes to read over the Terms of Use below.